Who We Are
The Student Ministry at Bellevue has the overall goal of walking alongside parents in order to help middle and high school students from all over Owensboro and the surrounding areas to develop and grow in their personal relationships with Jesus Christ. We want to do everything we can to point students toward Christ and give them and their parents the resources necessary to have a dynamic and impacting love for Jesus.
What We Do
As a part of our ministry, students will participate in a variety of activities from mission trips and camps to movie nights and bowling. We have awesome Sunday morning LifeGroups, fantastic Wednesday night worship services and various Bible studies throughout the year! Bellevue Student Ministry is the place for teenagers to fit in, feel loved and grow in their knowledge of and relationship with Jesus Christ. And we have room for more, so come join us!
Sunday Mornings
On Sunday morning, students from all over Owensboro gather together to have fun and fellowship. There is a time of solid bible teaching and then the students move into their Life Groups. This time is filled with relevant life discussions and building relationships with others. Life Groups are where students are individually known and cared for.
Sunday Morning Schedule
9:15am // Student Life Groups are offered for High School & Middle School students during the first service.
Students are encouraged to worship with their families or sit with other students in the 2nd service.
Wednesday Nights
Wednesday nights with the Bellevue Student Ministry are full of high-energy worship, fun games, hilarious skits, cool videos, and messages that impact middle and high school students right where they are in life! The doors open at 6:00pm each night, as students are greeted with upbeat music that lets them know something special is about to take place. At 7:30pm we offer gym activities until 8:30pm.
Make sure to let us know if it’s your first week, and come be a part of what is going on on Wednesday nights at Bellevue!
Wednesday Night Schedule
6:00pm // Doors open
6:15-7:30pm // Worship Service
7:30-8:30pm // Gym Activities