Mission Partner Updates
Here is a list of Mission partners you can pray for. Bellevue has always placed a big priority on missions and we want you to know how you can partner with us to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth.

Marshall McKinley
Marshall lives in Budapest, Hungary. Currently, he is serving with Navigators, pioneering a university and city-wide ministry that focuses on Christ-like community and intentional discipleship. Marshall’s local team is praying to see spiritual generations of Hungarian laborers rise up to advance the good news of Jesus in their families and communities as they are transformed by the love of Jesus.
Marshall sends out a monthly ministry newsletter, you can ask him to be added to the list and stay connected by emailing him here.

K & L
We live and work among the unreached Nepali speaking peoples in Northern India. Our main focus is discipleship and establishing healthy churches. We are also involved in providing pastoral training to help and equip local leaders.
Click here to sign up to receive monthly updates.

The Well Community Church Plant – St. Louis, MO
John and Ashley DeLuca are seeking to plant a church in the Kirkwood, Crestwood, Sunset Hills area of Greater St. Louis. They are seeking to engage the community, make disciples, and then plant a church Lord-willing in Fall 2024. The Well Community Church will seek to glorify God through the worship and witness of Jesus Christ.
Click here to join their prayer and update team.

Hannah O.
Hannah is serving in North Africa as an English teacher through an organization that sends Christian techers. Her goals include teaching with excellence, forming lasting relationships with her coworkers and students, and sharing the hope that lives within her in word and deed.
Click here to see how you can support Hannah.

The Little’s in Guatemala
Here in Guatemala the center of everything we do is simple: evangelize the lost, disciple the saved, and minister to the needs of the poor. There is so much more but the best part, God is in the center of all of it!
Click here to be added to the newsletter.

The Wainright Family - Daniel, Kristyn, Nora, Anna, and Ella
Why France?
The United States has 1 church for every 1,000 inhabitants. In comparison, France currently has 1 church for every 30,000 inhabitants and approximately 1% of the population of France is considered evangelical Christian. The goal of the National Counsel for the French Evangelicals (CNEF) is to see 1 church for every 10,000 inhabitants.
Our Story
In 2013, after visiting several European cities, we moved from Kentucky to the Croix Rousse neighborhood in Lyon, France. Croix Rousse, located on a hill overlooking the city center, has a population of approximately 30,000 and access to close to 100,000 people with little evangelical church presence.
In early 2018, we started meeting as a small core team in our apartment and then publicly meeting at a hotel later that fall. We’ve grown from a small group of fifteen adults to a forty member church, an average regular Sunday attendance of over 60, and multiple ministries during the week to reach our neighbors and make disciples.
2022 – we launched our Claritas internship program to grow local french leaders.
2023 – we celebrated our five year anniversary as a church.
2024 – we celebrated the launch of our first church plant in the Lyon 5th neighborhood.
We desire that our ministries flow from who we are in Christ. We desire to be an authentic gospel community that shines in our city, country, and abroad like a light on a hill.
Join our team
Contact Daniel.wainright@gmail.com to receive regular email and video updates about our family, ministry, and church and learn more about how to get involved.
If you would like more information about our mission work or if you feel called to missions, please contact:
Dr. Tim Menser | tmenser@bellnet.org
Danny Gray | gray7714@bellsouth.net

God is calling us to work the harvest!
“the harvest is plentiful.”
Matthew 9:37
Reaching our World
(Global Missions)
• 3,561 Global International Missionaries ($25,000)
• Lyon, France ($10,000 Missionary Support / $2,500 New Church Plants)
• Guatemala ($5,000)
4. Every Village A Church (EVAC) – Church Planting in Malawi (Africa) ($8,000)
We are partnering with Every Village A Church, Inc. to plant new churches and assist widows and orphans across the nation of Malawi. In 2023, EVAC assisted in planting a new church in Bolero in the Northern Region with our Bellevue team participating in strategic leadership meetings and evangelism. Partnerships were formed with local church pastors to identify new strategic areas and strengthen 7 additional new churches –1 in the Central Region and 6 in the Southern Region. The ministry also partnered with Hope for Widows in Malawi by providing grief training, resources to establish a preschool for the orphaned children, and a workshop for vocational training to equip widows and youth. Please pray as EVAC, Inc. continues to partner with both IMB missionaries and the Baptist Convention of Malawi.
5. India ($5,000)
6. Japan Military Church Plant ($10,000)
We are seeking to partner with a new church plant in Japan. This new church will be focused on reaching our US military personnel serving in Japan as well as the Japanese nationals who serve on our base or live in the surrounding area.
7. Global Outreach – Haiti Missions ($3,000)
We are partnering to provide meals and nourishment along with the presentation of the gospel for elderly widows and widowers in Haiti. Please pray that meeting these immediate hunger needs will lead to the deeper spiritual need being filled.
8. International Storying – Story Together Madagascar ($5,000)
We will be partnering with an IMB missionary, an Owensboro native, serving in Africa. International Storying is a way to take the gospel to oral (non-literate) cultures in their heart language as local believers are trained in key stories from the Bible that lead locals to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Further training for local discipleship will be provided as well.
9. IMB Missionary Stateside Support ($8,000)
We are supporting our local (Bellevue) IMB Missionaries who will be home for stateside missionary service in 2025. This fund will help Bellevue provide rent, utilities, and other needs for these missionaries while they are serving here in our local community for approximately 6 months.
10. International Storying – Story Together Madagascar ($5,000)
We will be partnering with an IMB missionary, an Owensboro native, serving in Africa. International Storying is a way to take the gospel to oral (non-literate) cultures in their heart language as local believers are trained in key stories from the Bible that lead locals to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Further training for local discipleship will be provided as well.
11. Mission Trips ($10,000)
We are significantly increasing our goal for mission trips to provide more opportunities for our Bellevue family to go to the global mission field in the upcoming year. Giving to this offering will help organize and support teams of self-funded Bellevue members. Short-term mission opportunities will include Guatemala, Puerto Rico, France, Malawi, (potentially) India, and North Africa.
Reaching our Nation
(National Missions)
1. Military Church Planting – Real Life Church – Ft. Campbell, KY ($10,000)
We are partnering with church planter Erik Maloy as we seek to reach active military families and veterans in the Hopkinsville, KY/ Clarksville, TN area with the good news of Jesus Christ.
2. Send Church Plant – The Well Church – St. Louis, MO ($10,000)
We are partnering with church planter John DeLuca as we seek to reach an area of St. Louis with very little Gospel saturation and a growing number of people who identify their religious affiliation as “none.” We are offering the message of hope that only the Gospel can provide to this growing community.
3. Afghan Church ($5,000)
We are partnering to assist with a new Afghan church plant in the Louisville area. With the rapidly growing Afghan population in the region, we will be seeking to reach those in our local community as well with the hope of planting an Afghan congregation in our immediate area someday.
4. Language Ministries (Hispanic, Burmese, and Congolese locally and regionally) ($30,000)
We are partnering with our Hispanic, Burmese, and Congolese churches and pastors to reach internationals and plant churches in Owensboro and surrounding areas as God continues to bring the nations to our front door.
5. Eliza Broadus State Missions ($5,000)
We are supporting our Baptist state offering that goes to help reach many people across Kentucky by planting new churches as well as reaching internationals, the deaf, and under resourced peoples in our state. In addition, the offering helps with campus ministries, Kentucky Changers, and various children’s ministries across our state.
6. Annie Armsttrong National Missions ($5,000)
We are supporting our Baptist national offering that goes directly to the mission field in North America to support more than 2,400 missionary families serving across the United States and Canada. It also provides funding to train and resource missionaries for church plants, compassion ministries, and evangelism.
Reaching our Community
(Local Missions)
1. Refuge Owensboro ($12,000)
We are partnering with Refuge Owensboro, a local ministry that organizes churches to welcome and aid new refugees and asylum seekers in our community. We will be continuing our long history of serving internationals who come to Owensboro by helping grow our language congregations here at Bellevue as well as potentially starting new congregations.
2. Good News Jail & Prison Ministry ($2,000)
We are partnering to help provide chaplaincy ministries for our local jail in Owensboro by serving both inmates and staff with encouragement and the hope of the gospel.
3. Friends of Sinners ($3,000)
We are partnering with this local ministry that offers a faith based residential addiction program. Lives are changed through this ministry for both men and women as volunteers and staff work to rescue people from addictions using their faith in Christ and biblical principles.
4. MentorKids Kentucky ($3,000)
We are partnering with this Christ-centered organization that exists to positively impact the lives of kids, ages 6 to 14 years old, from single-parent and non-traditional households to promote academic excellence, character building, social responsibilities, relational and life skills development. Mentors are volunteers from the community who help these kids find hope today and for the future through encouragement and the love of Jesus Christ.
5. Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) ($2,000)
We are partnering with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, a ministry that strives to reach and make disciples of all people – especially coaches, athletes, and their friends. Our support goes to help our local (Owensboro/Daviess County) FCA ministries through providing Bibles, programming, and other resources so that more students can know about the love and acceptance that comes from a relationship with Jesus.
6. CareNet Pregnancy Support Center ($3,000)
We are partnering with CareNet to minister to young women who are experiencing a crisis pregnancy. This pro-life ministry helps young women choose to continue their pregnancy and provides numerous supports throughout the pregnancy process. CareNet volunteers and staff share the gospel with these mothers, and many come to Christ.
7. Sunrise Children’s Services ($2,000)
We are partnering with Kentucky Baptists across the state and supporting this organization that enables Christian families to foster and adopt children. In addition, Sunrise operates four therapeutic residential centers, one psychiatric residential treatment center, family services, and an independent living program that helps aging-out kids. Sunrise helps over 800 children and family members in our state. Many Sunrise kids come to know Christ as Savior.
8. Christ’s Cupboard ($2,000)
Bellevue cares about the hungry in our city. Many families experience difficult times when money runs out and food is needed. Each year, Bellevue provides needed groceries to over 1,000 people in our area. Through this ministry we are also able to share an invitation to church and pray for their specific situation.
9. Bellevue Quilt Ministry ($3,000)
We are partnering with The Bellevue Quilt Ministry whose volunteers make quilts, clothes, and personal items for multiple local ministries including CareNet, Fresh Start, Lighthouse Recovery, Owensboro Recovery, Friends of Sinners, and Sleep in Heavenly Peace. They also provide the same for national and international mission work including our teams in Puerto Rico, Guatemala, and Africa. Every quilt given is accompanied by the message of the gospel.
10. Benevolence ($2,000)
We are supporting Bellevue’s ongoing Benevolence ministry that is led by our Deacons and provides strategic assistance to church members when they have an acute financial need.