Mini-Sessions 2022

Session One

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Do It:

“Daily Time with God” | Erica Houston | James 4:8 | October 9, 2022

Is setting aside daily time with God a challenge for you? Make it a choice! Vacation time doesn’t come by accident. It’s a choice to schedule the getaway and book the destination. Set a time and gather what you need to have time with God. Like a vacation, sit yourself away from the daily duties or distractions. Find a spot where you don’t see that pile of dishes or clothes to be put away. For my husband, it’s usually in his favorite recliner that has a basket with his Bible and journal right beside him. When will your daily time with God take place? Where is that setting where you can recharge each day? Decide and start this practice.

Session Two

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Do It:

“Be Still: Incorporating Stillness and Solitude in your Devotions” | Greg Faulls | Psalm 46:10 | October 10, 2022

Today, for just a few short minutes, get somewhere quiet where you will not be distracted. Open your Bible to Psalm 46:10 and slowly read that verse. Then take one minute to simply be silent before the LORD. Sense His presence and know by faith that He is with you. After the minute of silence read and think on Psalm 46:10 one more time. Then start your day.

Session Three

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Do It:

“Hearing God in His Word” | J.P. Kwok | October 11, 2022

For the past two days you have been challenged to start having a daily time set apart for God. Have you started doing this? If not, start today. First, create some time in your schedule for Bible reading and prayer. Don’t worry if you miss a day. The goal is to be consistent, not legalistic.  Second, read God’s Word with faith to believe what it says. Third, pray that the Holy Spirit will help you understand and hear clearly from God through His Word.

Session Four

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Do It:

“Prayer Plans” | Tim Menser | October 12, 2022

Right now, take a few minutes to pray. When you do, use these simple prompts to help guide your prayer time.

(A) Adoration Spend time recounting how wonderful God is. Use the book of Psalms if you need help

(C) Confession Confess your sin before the Lord. Ask Him to forgive you. Also ask Him to help you forgive specific people in your life.

(T) Thanksgiving Spend time thanking God for specific gifts and blessings in your life.

(S) Supplication Lift your needs and the needs of others before the Lord, asking Him for help.

(L) Listen As you read God’s Word, listen to what He is saying. Ask God to help you apply His Word to your heart. Respond to Him by agreeing with Him and follow Him in obedience.

Session Five

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Do It:

“Confessing Sins, Receiving Forgiveness” | Adam Neel | October 13, 2022

Take a few minutes to get alone with God. Slowly read and meditate on 1 John 1:8-10. Reflect on the fact that God’s promise is that He forgives us when we confess our sins to Him. Then ask the Lord to bring to mind sins in your life that you need to confess to your Heavenly Father. In prayer, confess those sins to Him. Turn from them and turn to God. Then, by faith, trust that God has forgiven you. Rest in that forgiveness and grace.

Session Six

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Do It:

“Resist the Devil” | Jesus Amaya | October 14, 2022

In response to this teaching on resisting the evil one, let’s commit to do the following…

  1. Be more discerning about what we choose to watch and listen to for our entertainment.
  2. Spend more time alone with God, knowing and loving him.
  3. Commit to obey the will of God which is the most important thing for our lives.

Session Seven

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Do It:

“Here Am I, Send Me” | Kyle Watkins | October 15, 2022

Pray like Isaiah, “Here am I, send me,” and then spend today looking for individuals and situations for whom God may be calling you to serve others. Our calling to serve doesn’t have to be a “big,” elaborate opportunity, but oftentimes is simply helping someone in need or sharing Christ with someone. Look for and serve in those opportunities today.

Session Eight

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Do It:

“The Power of Praise” | Kamlen Hoakip | October 16, 2022

When troubles, trials, and tribulations begin to surround you, take Hope in God’s Power and turn your heart to find Praise for the God who loves you and is fighting for you. Is there something troubling you now? Praise Him for His power over that situation and move forward with a newfound peace and trust.